Monday, March 27, 2006

Monday March 27, 2006

Interesting weekend. Didn't do much 'cept work on the Gladiator and watch slides.

Did the rear brakes on the Gladiator, wheel cylinders, shoes, hardware. Still pulls to the right. Guess I will try swapping tires next.

My Bro sent me four more boxes of my Grandmother's slides. Pictures from around the world. Don't have a clue where 99% of the pictures are from or who the people are or why the picture was taken, and I can't ask. They just go in the trash if I cannot I.D. them.

Did some fascinating economic research last week that others should look at also. Check out and read the "Primer on Government Economic Reports". Then go to and follow the links to interviews found on the lower left. For a different viewpoint see also

Fortunately I'm not (generally) interested in having a fancy car or house or boat or [you name it] or even computer; I prefer to spend my time and money on more lasting things. However, I fear that as our economy globalizes that the gap between the "Haves" and the "Have nots" will increase. It is only reasonable to assume that as the cash flows out of the U.S. downhill to places like Iran, India, China, and the Philippines that as their standard of living increases that our standard of living will decrease, at least some and perhaps quite drastically. Prices of Energy, foodstuffs, building materials, will NOT go down but will continue to increase as resources dwindle and as our money decreases in real value. As the workforce becomes more globalized we will see more and more routine jobs (such as fry cooks, network admins) become lower and lower in pay and jobs that require original thinking and creativity (artists, musicians, inventors) receiving more and more.

Time to get back to my routine job.

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