Well, it's been a while so I thought I had better post something.
The Voyager got 25 mpg on the last two fill-ups, still better than a swift kick (but 34 looked so nice).
Gas is up to $2.85/gal.
The Gladiator's brakes are fixed. After swapping tires and bleeding and flushing the brake system did no good I took it out on the side road, ran it up to 25 and hammered the brakes, hoping for a revelation. The revelation occurred the third time when the pedal went straight to the floor and the van continued going straight ahead. Turned out to be a bad flexible line to the caliper. Replaced both and it stops nicely now.
Working evenings re-doing my vlans. I have a theory that there should be no more than 20 IP phones on a vlan, so I'm reconfiguring the network to match that and we will see what happens. I currently have 110 phones on one vlan, 60 on another, 50 on yet another. The 3 vlan's with less than 20 phones have almost zero complaints and none in the last 60 days, while I get 3 or 4 complaints a day from the 110-phone-vlan.
Trying to fix the LeMans oil leak still. Replacing the Oil Pressure switch is next; I can't see any other leaks until that well is dried up.
Trying to design my 'bent bike. Too many ideas running around my head, I think I need to find some time and just start building and see what happens.
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