Well, if it is a white Christmas it will be just barely. That inch of snow is all we are getting, and it is being well trampled (and wasn't enough off the beaten path).
Putting up the tree lights last night we discovered that we couldn't get but 2 small strings of lights to work. I had noticed that a store was going half price on Christmas decorations, so I thought that this would be my chance. Ya know whty they were half off? Because no-one would buy them at full price. Poor selection. I don't like single color lights, but it was dificult to find anything but. Lots of white. Lots of nets. Lots of icicles. Lots of deer. Found two 24 multi-color light strings. I guess this was just not my year.
The plastic star tree-topper that we have used since '83? was replaced last night. I wanted a glass angel for a tree-topper. Lots of Santas, no angels. Finally found just a plain glass spire. Better than what I had, but I will have to keep my eyes open for what I want.
Brief rant:
I have noticed around here that the "True Meaning of Christmas" seems to be going away again/still. I don't think I have seen more than a half dozen manger displays, but lots (dozens? hundred+?) deer/Santa displays. How would you like it if at your birthday party the star guest was a fictional character and you weren't even invited? Remember the old Red Skelton story about that?
Merry Christmas everyone!!
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