Rant time.
Lately I have been noticing a lot of bumper stickers and yard signs proclaiming that "War is not the answer". I beg to differ.
Of course, it depends on the question. If the question is whether or not to have dessert, then no, of course war is not the answer. But, if the question is whether or not you and I are allowed to live, work, and worship according to our beliefs, and the other guy wants to enforce his beliefs at the expense of everyone else's lives, then yes, I think that war is the answer.
I have trouble understanding how someone can live in the USA, how, having experienced the horrors of 9/11/2001, having experienced the freedom of living and working and worshiping where and how they wish, and, seeing how the victims of the oppression are forced to live, can stand up and say that "War is not the answer". I just don't understand it.
But, regardless of whether or not I understand it, they have the freedom, here in the USA, to express their opinion. Perhaps they would like to move to Iran and try expressing their opinions?
To those who are daily fighting this war: I salute you and I ask God's blessing upon you for doing what I cannot do.
Remember 9/11/2001!!
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