The weather has certainly changed. A bit less than 1/4 inch of rain from the system yesterday, but temps are 20+ degrees cooler. Gonna have to find my jacket.
So far, I must say that I like Google Chrome. Far fewer bells and whistle's, but it does 98% of what I want with minimal mouse work. In general, it uses much less RAM than even Firefox, until you get a few tabs open. Because Chrome opens each tab in a new process, there is a memory price to pay, but when you close each tab the memory is immediately released to pool, and a rogue in one tab won't have any affect on the other tabs. I like that. I like that a lot! God knows how many times I have been editing something in one tab in Firefox only to have something crash in another tab and lose all my work.
Some folks are griping about the memory cost, but I don't think they see the point. Chrome is MORE than just a browser. Chrome is a front end to email and word processing and calendaring and blogging and spreadsheets and all those other online apps. Think back to the days of Windows 3.11 or Win9x when crashing one app would bring down the entire PC. Now look at Vista where I can crash several windows and not affect the work in other windows. Same thing here. I can crash the app in one tab of Chrome and it won't affect the apps in the other tabs.
Chrome is not just a browser, it intends to be the next step beyond the browser. I've been playing with Very useful, but I think that Chrome takes that concept a step further. I don't have to login to a virtual machine on the web, I just open Chrome and I have all my virtual apps at my fingertips.
I like it.
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