Was carrying on a conversation a few moments ago, about how I will have to start over with all my hobbies. I don't have any of my car projects, any of my guns, any of my swords, any of my HO and N scale trains, any of my car models, any of my books, any of my woodworking tools, any of my metal working tools, any of my metal forging tools, any of my old computer or electronic parts, I don't have my antique sewing machine I was restoring, etc. etc., and the list could go on.
But, it was all 'stuff' (anyone remember the "Stuff-Mart"?). So, big deal, I don't have any 'stuff', I'm the better for it. I don't have to worry about where to put it, don't have to worry about how I'm going to take care of it, don't have to worry about someone stealing or damaging it. And I keep telling myself that those are good things. I entered this world without 'stuff' and I will leave it without 'stuff'.
And, I think that when I am once again in a place where I can have 'stuff' that I will have a different focus. A lot of my stuff was mine because it came to me, not necessarily because I chose it, and I couldn't bear to get rid of things. Now, I can pick and choose my 'stuff'.
Yes, would have been better not to have to start over, but when life hands me lemons I've had to learn how to make lemonade. Applies to more than just drinks and hobbies.
Funny, how different people react when the fecal matter hits the fan. Some people have learned to gather the fecal matter up, dry it, and use it to heat their coffee. Others have learned to gather it and make a tea to feed their roses. The worst thing you can do is let the fecal matter stay on the floor, walls, and ceiling. Gotta put it to use, make it good for something.
I have said that for years. There is nothing I own that is not for sale if the price is right. I have friends that own more guitars than will fit in my music room, and friends that have spent more money on ham radio equipment than I did for my house. And for What??? I never was into the philosophy of “he who has the most toys wins”. In fact, I have been on a quest to have less. If I could get my kids to get their crap out of my basement, it would be almost empty which is the way I want it.