Friday, July 9, 2010

Backing Practice

Spent most of the day playing with Big Boy's Toys.  Sorta.  Since I have my permit, I am now allowed in the truck, along with 63 other remaining members of my class.  So, we spent the day, 8 to a truck, 10 minutes a turn, practicing starting the truck, putting it in low gear, pulling it straight forward about 100 feet, stopping, putting it in reverse, backing up STRAIGHT about 100 feet, stopping, ad infinitum.

One of the school trucks backing away from me.

Me about to climb into one of the school's trucks.

 And yes, we are standing on hot black freshly sealed asphalt, it is 92 degrees in the shade, and there is no shade.  I think I have sunburn on my forehead; I didn't have my visor in my backpack and had to go to the dorm to get it.  Probably have sunburn on the back of my neck also.  I'm sure I will know soon enough!

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