Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Tuesday December 26, 2006
The Wii is a remarkable piece of hardware. A small box about the size of a CDROM drive for a PC, just a little bit bigger, with ports on the back and one side. A small sensor about 1/4" tall, 1" deep and 9" wide that sits under (or on top) of the TV. And, of course, the remote. And it works! I was kinda skeptical at first, but it took just a moment to setup the box, included telling the Wii whether the sensor was above or below the TV set, and away it went. And you can aim the remote at your target and shoot it down, swing it like a bat and hit the ball (it only senses whether your swing is fast or slow, it cannot sense whether you are swinging high or low, darn it.), when you pitch the ball you can put spin on it and throw a curve ball or a slider. When bowling you can put spin on and throw it hard, or you can give it a gentle push down the lane. I wanted to try F-Zero, but Jon says that I need the regular Nintendo controller for that, the Wii controller is not backwards compatible. I was hoping.....
Jon also started giving our family the official announcement yesterday, but I don't know if I'm allowed to post it yet for the world to see.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Saturday December 23, 2006
Putting up the tree lights last night we discovered that we couldn't get but 2 small strings of lights to work. I had noticed that a store was going half price on Christmas decorations, so I thought that this would be my chance. Ya know whty they were half off? Because no-one would buy them at full price. Poor selection. I don't like single color lights, but it was dificult to find anything but. Lots of white. Lots of nets. Lots of icicles. Lots of deer. Found two 24 multi-color light strings. I guess this was just not my year.
The plastic star tree-topper that we have used since '83? was replaced last night. I wanted a glass angel for a tree-topper. Lots of Santas, no angels. Finally found just a plain glass spire. Better than what I had, but I will have to keep my eyes open for what I want.
Brief rant:
I have noticed around here that the "True Meaning of Christmas" seems to be going away again/still. I don't think I have seen more than a half dozen manger displays, but lots (dozens? hundred+?) deer/Santa displays. How would you like it if at your birthday party the star guest was a fictional character and you weren't even invited? Remember the old Red Skelton story about that?
Merry Christmas everyone!!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Friday December 22, 2006
Gas is 2.29 this morning. Last Saturday/Sunday it was at 2.15, with some stations at 2.19, then Monday morning (?) it jumped to 2.35!!! across the board.
Finally got a Christmas tree last night, just as it started snowing. Better than last year, didn't get it until Christmas Eve. Last year there were a lot of Christmas trees for sale on Christmas Eve, so I could take my pick of just about anything at half price. This year we found three gas stations with trees for sale. All the big lots are packed up and gone. And I doubt that those three gas stations had more than 25 trees combined. Found a nice one though at Shallow Lake Store. Very fresh and smells nice. And I thought it appropriate that it started snowing as I was about 2 miles from the store, so when we got there the ground was almost white. The house is about 4 miles north of Shallow Lake Store, but about 8 miles by road. About two miles from home we drove out of the snow, and it wasn't snowing at home, but it started by the time the tree came in.
I think this is the first Christmas that we have been a bit scattered. Evan will be visiting his lady friend's family this Christmas. Jon's lady friend will be with us this Christmas, and the situation will be reversed for New Years; Jon will be at his lady friend's family's for New Years while Evan and his lady friend will be with us. (What a mess of apostrophe's!!!) I thought for a little bit that Evvy would be at her boyfriend's for Christmas, but I guess she is supposed to come home sometime today.
I still haven't done my Christmas shopping yet. It's hard for me to think about presents while fighting the traffic and the crowds and the job and the finances and so on. But maybe this afternoon I will manage it. Maybe if it snows more some folks will stay home and that will give me a break.
Time to pretend to work now.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Friday December 15, 2006
I took the Quiz; here is a synopsis of the results; nothing new here:
Your Results:
The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.
Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.
1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)
2. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (87%)
3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (81%)
4. Eastern Orthodox (79%)
5. Roman Catholic (79%)
6. Jehovah's Witness (75%)
7. Bahai Faith (74%)
8. Seventh Day Adventist (73%)
9. Orthodox Quaker (71%)
10. Orthodox Judaism (67%)
11. Islam (62%)
12. Sikhism (51%)
13. Liberal Quakers (50%)
14. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (47%)
15. Reform Judaism (34%)
16. Unitarian Universalism (33%)
17. Hinduism (23%)
18. New Thought (20%)
19. Jainism (15%)
20. Nontheist (12%)
21. Mahayana Buddhism (8%)
22. Scientology (8%)
23. Theravada Buddhism (8%)
24. Neo-Pagan (7%)
25. New Age (6%)
26. Secular Humanism (6%)
27. Taoism (6%)
Friday December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Thursday December 14, 2006
Besides, I think we are going to go Christmas Tree hunting this weekend, and we have to have snow on the ground to do it properly. Right?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Tuesday December 12, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday November 30, 2006
As you may have guessed, I feel strongly that the PC should be used as a tool, and that if the tool does not make the job easier then you are using either the wrong tool or you do not know how to use the tool correctly.
I stopped by the UPS depot to ship a package on Monday. Granted, it has been a while (3 yrs?) since I stopped by the UPS depot, but I recall that there was one person behind the counter who took the info from you, typed it in the computer, stuck the label on the package, and took your money.
This time, when I stopped in, there were TWO UPS employees and TWO PC's, one PC and employee at a side counter and one PC and employee at the main counter. I needed to type the addresses into a form and make some decisions about how to properly ship my package using the first PC. There is a second employee there to help you fill out the form.
This is a classic example of what NOT to do!! Customers are intimidated and aggravated by this process. I think that nearly every one of the 6 or 7 people that I saw use this complained about it. First, the PC is in a very awkward place to use. Second, the Mouse is in an awkward position. Third, TAB does not go to the fields in order. Fourth, most of the fields are not needed or required for most customers.
I would redesign the form and make it VERY simple. Type in the name, press enter. Type in the address, press enter. Type in the ZIP, press enter. No tab, no mouse. Add some logic to the form so that if a field is needed they are filled out in order, if the field is not needed it never appears. Install 2 (or more) PC's away from the counter for customer use so that the slower people don't hold up the faster people. Provide space at the console to rest your package (it was not fun trying to juggle a 14 lb package while filling out the form). Heck, maybe provide a scale at each console so the weight can get captured while the package data is being typed in. What a novel idea.
Hello UPS? Ya know, re-writing the software to make it more efficient would save you a lot of money. If you are doing this at every UPS depot, or even 10% of them, that is a LOT of money you could save!!
I hate to imagine what that room is going to look like over the next couple of weeks. Maybe it is a good thing that I don't ship a lot of UPS. I'm lucky, if I really NEED to ship something I can do it from work. Weigh it on our scales, fill out the form on the UPS website, pay for it on the UPS website, print the label, set it out on the dock for pickup.
Thursday November 30, 2006
8AM, now NWS says +1F.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tuesday November 28, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Friday November 24, 2006
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Tuesday November 7, 2006
I voted this morning; have you??????
Friday, November 3, 2006
Friday November 3, 2006
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Thursday November 2, 2006
Time is a-flying!!
I'm almost ready to start scanning slides. At a rough guess I have probably looked thru nearly 5,000 slides. I am now down to just over 1,000 slides. I have begun a second pass to sort them into rough groups and I am starting to shop for a scanner with a TMA. The scanner I have doesn't have a TMA. I tried to make one following directions on several websites, but the results were dismal compared to what I have seen with several $100 HP scanners, so I guess I will wind up spending the money.
Time to go build a RADIUS Server for experimentation.
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Wednesday November 1, 2006
It was cold last night going out to the car after work. It was 26F, but the wind chill (according to the NWS) was 16F. I would have sworn it was colder than that.
I just can't believe how the prices of electronics keep falling. I was at wally-world this morning and saw that the VCR/DVD combo I paid $99 for last year is at $49, the DVD-Burner+-r/rw that was $150 a year ago is $50.
Darn candy wrappers! Can't tear the things open anymore, it requires a sharp object. Gotta go get some scissors.
I casn hardly believe the school rules anymore. Some of the parents here were telling me about kids sent home from school yesterday. Seems that it is against school rules to wear masks (I can see that one), too much makeup, certain clothing, and everything else that used to make Halloween so fun when I was a kid. I can see part of it, the mask thing because these days you need to be able to positively visually ID someone, some of the clothing stuff because of gangs, but most of it seems calculated to take the fun out of things.
I've been trying to collect all of the stories by Kipling that have the "Stalky & Co." characters in them, including the ones not in "Stalky & Co." and "The Complete Stalky & Co.". Really fun, gives me an excuse to read all of the Kipling stories and books all over again.
Past time to work now.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Friday October 27, 2006
On our trip last weekend I paid as low as $2.08/gall at WalMart in Cloquet. In GR it was down to $2.17 although RapidPump was at $2.15. Yesterday prices jumped back up 12 cents to 2.29.
Internet filtering policies implemented at work are causing a bit of havoc. ALL outside email is blocked, as well as this site. There are ways around it, but they are not convenient. At one time I could have all of my email accounts open in Outlook at once. Now, the only email account I can have open is the corporate one, to check any of my other accounts I have to go around the corner. I wouldn't mind so much except that the corp email blocks so many documents and attachments (including unknown ones) that for a vendor to send me a quote I have to ask them to email it to one of my personal accounts, then keep checking it.
Oh well, as long as people keep abusing the Internet there will be filtering. I have heard SOOOO many complaints since it was institued here on Wednesday because people can't play games. Play games? At work? Hunh? Well, they get bored because there is nothing to do! Hunh? Sounds to me like we could eliminate a position, maybe closer to 20 positions if the number of complaints I heard is any indication. Granted, this is a hospital, and we are required by law to maintain a certain level of staffing.
For instance, even if there are no patients in ER we still have to have staff on hand when a case shows up. But I would think that there must be other taks that need to be accomplished. People are always complaining because there is too much paperwork and they can never get it accomplished. I guess that what irks me the most is when I hear the complaint from a department supervisor. I mean the person who has been here for umpteen years and bosses 40+ people and complains because their people no longer have access to games. Seriously. Just mind-boggling.
Well, lots to do. I need to deploy 4 more WAP's today and get quotes for a formal wireless site survey so I can spec out a full coverage solution for wireless VoIP. Plus dump a couple of corrupt databases and see if I can find out why they are corrupt. Plus take calls from users who can't get to their favorite web sites any more.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday October 13, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Thursday October 12, 2006
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Thursday October 5, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Thursday September 28, 2006
My pirate name is:
Black Harry Flint
Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Wednesday September 27, 2006
Reinstalled Xandros. Now I'm trying to figure out how to install the packages I need to install the packages I need to install and run Nagios. No, that is not a typo. Maybe that is one of the things I like about the window system, we expect the application install to also install all of the dependencies invisibly. Before I can install Nagios I need to Install and configure an Apache server. Then I need to install a C compiler. Install the gd library. Create the special user. Create the directory structure. Unpack and start thre compile of Nagios. ERROR!!! missing files. Go back and try to figure out what is missing. Get and install gcc. I don't know what else because this is where I'm at right now.
Gotta go figure out whay a PC is running soooo sloooow.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Friday September 22, 2006
It's cold and wet and raining outside, so I had to do something a bit different.
Actually, I want to install Nagios. I've heard some good things about it, but it requires a *nix box to install it on.
Moved the GICH DNS from TDS to NetSol today. TDS was our ISP and our webhost, and our DNS, but they are no longer our ISP and therefore no longer our webhost, so the powers that be got a new webhost, and so now I had to change the DNS. Since NetSol is our registrar it is easiest to set the DNS up with them. Of course, the first thing that NetSol does is tell TDS that WorldNic is now the authoritative DNS, so now no-one can email us or access any of the web sites until the root-servers get the news. That was why I did it this morning; hopefully everything will be back to normal by Monday morning.
Just got a call, the headlight adjusters are in for the Voyager, so I need to run and pick them up. I think they are $8 apiece for 4 of them, which seems a bit steep, but if I'm going to be driving in the dark (a given) I have to have them. I had robbed the adjusters out of several of the other vans, but they are breaking the same as the originals did, the plastic is too brittle from age.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Thursday September 21, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Saturday September 16, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Wednesday September 13, 2006
Jon, email me!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Tuesday August 29, 2006
1. Approx 30% of all employment is related to housing, including contractors, building materials, real estate brokers and agents, and employees in the mortgage finance industry.
2. Still more people are employed by furniture and home appliance manufacture.
3. Guess who buys more Ford trucks then anyone else? Contractors.
4. The economic expansion of the last few years was powered primarily by home refinances.
5. This year the cost of borrowing for nearly 1 trillion dollars of ARM's is rising sharply.
6. Next year nearly the borrowing cost of nearly 1.8 trillion dollars of ARM's will rise sharply.
7. Rents are increasing to keep pace with the cost of construction.
8. The same indicators are occurring in Europe.
Hang on to your hats, this may be a wild ride. If you have the cash available when the roller coaster hits bottom it will be a good time to buy real estate.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Monday August 28, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Friday August 25, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Tuesday August 22, 2006
Friday, August 4, 2006
Friday August 4, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Thursday July 13, 2006
Gas is down to $2.94/gall. Funny how saving an entire 5¢/gallon can make you feel better. Do you realize that is saving $1.50 on the big van and $.60 on the small van to fill the entire tank?
We have decided to sell the hay baler and the tractor.
The tractor is an Allis-Chalmers RC serial #RC4201 with a WC engine. It runs but there is coolant in the oil and one of the back rims are rusted thru (as in half the bead is about to fall off). It comes with original RC front wheels, extra flywheel, rear PTO, side PTO, RC rear axle/gearset. It has electric start but the generator and starter are both dead.
The baler is a self powered New Holland Model 66 SN #16506. We have baled with it the last few years but last year with about 50 bales to go the wadboard shattered. We installed a new wadboard and retimed it. Testing in the yard it appeared to work OK, but when we started baling the plunger hit the wadboard and crunched both it and the knives and blew out most of the shear pins and shear bolts. Frame, knotters, body, etc are in good shape, some surface rust. Engine is a 2 cylinder Wisconsin, runs OK. Fuel pump quit a couple of years ago, we have been using a gravity feed tank. Hand start magneto ignition.
We are asking $500 obo each for the baler and the tractor, buyer responsible for picking them up from where I have them sitting at.
If interested I can be contacted by leaving a comment here or by emailing me at sales at hartshorn dot org.
Time for me to get to work now.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Wednesday July 12, 2006
Matt got the baler working (I think; we haven't tested it yet). Now the tractor has problems, there is coolant in the oil and the tube is coming thru a rust spot in the rim, so we are NOT going to use it.
Fired up the old Ford pick up yesterday and mowed about half a field. We will try raking the field today with the truck
EMail Server is down, so I can't check/send email, and I am getting further and further behind.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Monday July 10, 2006
Gas has been at $2.99 for the last week after bouncing all over for the two previous weeks.
I'm playing with Windows Vista and Office 2007 these days (in between network and phone sysem admin).
So far, I'm not terribly impressed with Vista. I was looking forward to some new functionality, but most of that (especially the new file system) got dropped. Although there is supposedly a lot of new stuff under the skin (I don't know; I'm not a programmer) it looks like WinXP with a new skin that leans quite a bit towards the Mac. More of the bones are hidden, security settings have been tightened up. I think that it will make user administration easier since there is far less stuff for the user to hose up, but if you like to tweak your system (Power Users?) then you will be very frustrated at first. Since I've only got maybe 5 hours on it so far I am hoping that I can get used to the new way of doing things. It's been five years now since I have had to learn a new OS, and I still like WinXP very much. I do note that Vista is a memory hog, I'm running it on a P4 3.0 with 512 ram, and I think that 1 gig of ram would help a lot.
Still arguing with VoIP. Complaints are fewer but I still get some about the noise and dropped connections on the IP phones. Anything new that I am hooking up and those who complain loudly are getting digital phone sets, which is getting some people upset because I am giving then the "old phones" instead of the "new phones". Doesn't matter that the "old" phones are new out of the box with the same features and are far more reliable with better sound quality than the "new" phones, they just want a "new" phone. And when I take away the "new" phone from a loud complainer and give them an "old" phone they complain even louder. Ya just can't please some people.
I am still of the opinion that VoIP is not ready for the "Big Time" yet and that it shouldn't be used in mission critical situations and that it should be rolled out in small groups. It was a bad idea to try to roll out some 300 VoIP phones at one time. I had expected that with an entirely new hardware infrastructure including switches and QOS that the problems would be minimal, but it just wasn't so.
Now I need to start rolling out my wireless access points. They are all piled on my desk; I just need to starting putting them in place.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Wednesday June 7, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Saturday May 20, 2006
There's a new kid on the Farm, first here in what, 3 years?
Mail merge is running again, this time over the weekend, maybe it will succeed this time.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Friday May 19, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Tuesday May 16, 2006
Been a bit under the weather lately. Came in to work tonight because we are supposed to be doing an email domain migration: Moving our email from the old server on the old domain to a new server on the new domain. But the vendor that we are working with still isn't ready 2 hours after we were supposed to begin. To be expected on a project like this, but I'd rather be in bed. Oh well, it gives me an excuse to work on this.
Gas prices. What a yo-yo. The price of gas dropped to 2.65 by the end of April and stayed down for a couple of weeks, then climbed up to 2.87 for the Mothers Day weekend and is down to 2.71 tonight. I don't know what to expect anymore. I see Oil is below $70 right now even though prospects are high that Venezuela may cut exports and Ecuador has canceled a contract agreement and who knows what will happen with Iran?
Wish I had brought some munchies tonight, but I didn't expect this. I have actually caught up on most of my email for the first time in maybe 6 months.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Tuesday April 25, 2006
The Voyager got 25 mpg on the last two fill-ups, still better than a swift kick (but 34 looked so nice).
Gas is up to $2.85/gal.
The Gladiator's brakes are fixed. After swapping tires and bleeding and flushing the brake system did no good I took it out on the side road, ran it up to 25 and hammered the brakes, hoping for a revelation. The revelation occurred the third time when the pedal went straight to the floor and the van continued going straight ahead. Turned out to be a bad flexible line to the caliper. Replaced both and it stops nicely now.
Working evenings re-doing my vlans. I have a theory that there should be no more than 20 IP phones on a vlan, so I'm reconfiguring the network to match that and we will see what happens. I currently have 110 phones on one vlan, 60 on another, 50 on yet another. The 3 vlan's with less than 20 phones have almost zero complaints and none in the last 60 days, while I get 3 or 4 complaints a day from the 110-phone-vlan.
Trying to fix the LeMans oil leak still. Replacing the Oil Pressure switch is next; I can't see any other leaks until that well is dried up.
Trying to design my 'bent bike. Too many ideas running around my head, I think I need to find some time and just start building and see what happens.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Thursday April 13, 2006
Easter weekend!! PTL!!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Tuesday April 11, 2006
Amazing how much better the Voyager runs since I changed the throttle body. Still need to fix the fuel leak from the fill pipe.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Monday April 10, 2006
An eventful weekend. Started out with pulling apart the rear brakes on the Voyager. Shoes are at about 25%, but the right self-adjuster was frozen and the left self adjuster was broken. There was a piece of metal in the right drum that looked like a broken coil of a spring. Both wheel cylinders are just starting to weep. So, I cleaned and lubed everything, replaced the broken self adjuster, and put it back together. One of the things I wanted to do was fix the parking brakes, but everything was missing. No cables, no nothing. So, maybe next month I will see about robbing some parts from another of my vans and repalcing the wheel cylinders.
Then we drove to Bemidji. Changed the oil in a Jeep (first time I've touched a Jeep in 16+ years) and gave Evan's new car the "once-over". He bought a 92 Ford Tempo. Pretty nice shape, some rusting on the right fenders and rocker but not too bad yet. Changed the oil in it and added coolant. It has been parked for about 9 months but it started right up and runs pretty good I think.
Also fixed the right front parking light on the Voyager. The wires were rotted off of the light socket, so I spliced a socket from one of the other vans. When I was putting it back together the side marker lens fell off. I gotta remember to fix that.
On our way home from Bemidji Saturday as we were leaving GR I noticed a big cloud of smoke in the sky in the general direction of home. As we got closer and closer to home it looked more and more like it might be at home! As we approached 434 we saw it. Turns out that a neighbor, Roger, was burning the grass around his garage and caught the garage on fire. The garage and a shed are total losses. The FD barely manged to keep the fire from the house. Roger built and restored wooden horse drawn wagons in that garage; all of his tools and at least one wagon and sled and a leather buggy top that he was restoring are gone. No-one was hurt as far as I know. The hay baler that I've been trying to buy from him was parked next to the garage; that is also gone.
That is too many fires too close to home for me, we don't need any more.
I was browsing around www.Allpar.com the other day. An excellent website for anything to do with Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth. One of the things I saw there looked familiar; an idle problem. Seems the IAC passage can become gummed up a bit. So Sunday after church I pulled the TB from the 89 Voyager, tore it down and cleaned it up. Then I installed it on the 88. I also recalled something else I had seen at www.Allpar.com about map sensor problems. I looked at the 89 and it had the air bleeder on it, so I moved that to the 88. I've probably started the 88 a dozen times now and it idles just fine. A big "thanks" to the folks at allpar for the advice.
Also worked on the Allis-Chalmers RC/WC a bit. It looks as though the starter needs to be rebuilt, haven't actually torn it down yet but it no longer spins under its own power. So Matt and I are making a crank for the tractor. All that is left is to install a pin. We tried a couple of items we had laying around but a 20d nail just isn't hard enough. It will turn the engine over easily when the plugs are out but it just wrapped up after we put the plugs in. I need to look for a 2.5" x 3/16" roll pin today.
Changed the oil from 5w-30 to 10w-30 in both the Voyager and the LeMans. While under the LeMans I noticed that the oil was just running down the engine on the passenger side. Got Matt and a bright light to look on that side of the engine, Matt thinks it may be coming from the valve cover on that side. I replaced that last fall, but that side is very difficult to reach because of all the plumbing and AC and "stuff" on that side of the engine. I think I need to get another gasket set and redo that job.
Oh yeah, I paid $2.57 for gas in Bemidji on Saturday, I notice that the price of gas in GR is at $2.65 today.
Friday, April 7, 2006
Friday April 7, 2006
Quote from Forbes magazine:
"Assuming a price of $2.20 per gallon and driving 15,000 miles per year, the difference in fuel cost between a car that gets 20 mpg and one that gets 30 mpg is $550 annually. If your car doesn't match the way you use it, consider getting another one if the replacement cost pencils out."
OK, let's makes this more realistic. The Gladiator gets approx 14mpg. The Voyager gets 25mpg. The Ford Escape hybrid gets an EPA rating of 36mpg. I drive close to 20,000 miles/year. Todays unleaded gas price is $2.66.
Cost of fuel to drive Gladiator $3812
Cost of fuel to drive Voyager $2224
Cost of Fuel to drive Escape $1482
So, if I can find a Ford Escape for $2330 I would start saving money after the first year. Wait a minute, a Ford Escape hybrid costs HOW MUCH? Base MSRP is $27,515. Configured similarly to the Gladiator would cost closer to $28,000. I haven't even considered dealer prep yet.
OK, so let's get realistic. I could probably pick up an old Geo Metro that gets 40+mpg for $1500. That would work. For $3000 I could get an old Metro and a motorcycle. One for winter and one for summer. That would work for commuting.
But I want to take a family trip to CA this summer. A realistic guess would put the average fuel cost at $3.00 (I would bet higher in CA by then). 2200 miles each way; plus we need to visit rellys, plus seeing sites, etc. Shall we say roughly 6,000 round trip? In the Gladiator? How does $1300 fuel costs sound?
Guess I need to start saving some pennies.
Friday April 7, 2006
This will have severe impact on our gas prices:
1. Ethanol costs more than MTBE even with the federal ethanol subsidy,
2. It costs LOTS of money to convert to ethanol because while MTBE was mixed with gasoline at the producers, ethanol cannot be mixed with gasoline until it is being loaded on the truck for delivery to the gas station. This is because of ethanol's affinity for water.
3. The U.S. does not produce enough ethanol currently to replace all of the MTBE. Right now the U.S. has the capacity to produce about 283 thousand barrels/day of ethanol. We are currently using 275 thousand barrels/day. We need another 130 thousand barrels/day of ethanol producing capacity
4. A refinery requires more production capacity to use ethanol blended fuels than MTBE. Most of our refineries have been at or near capacity for quite a while now, and it costs money to add capacity.
5. Ethanol must be shipped separately from the gasoline. Gasoline+Ethanol uses more volume to ship than Gasoline+MTBE. There is not currently enough rail or barge capacity to move the additional ethanol around the country.
6. Some ethanol could be imported, but ethanol is subject to 2 tariffs, one of 2.5% on the value and one of 54 cents/gallon. Since the federal subsidy for blending ethanol into gasoline is only 51 cents/gallon, that appears to be an expensive proposition.
7. An option is to reduce the amount of ethanol from 11% to 5.7%. The octane of gasoline is a function of the oxygen content. Ethanol contains oxygen. To reduce the Ethanol content requires that the oxygen content of the gasoline increase. This would be similar to replacing regular gas with premium gas, but a bit more complex. Because the gasoline may be transported via pipeline (as it is here), is may take over a month for the reformulated gasoline to make it to the pump.
8. Some of our gasoline (especially on the East Coast) comes from overseas. Many of these suppliers CANNOT ship MTBE free product.
So it looks like prices will continue to go up and that gasoline may occasionally be in short supply this summer. Better not plan on much travel. This is just the beginning.
You can check this info by visiting the D.O.E. website, most of this came from a publication available at http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petroleum/feature_articles/2006/mtbe2006/mtbe2006.pdf.
Friday April 7, 2006
Yesterday between 10:45am and 11:15am the price of unleaded gas at every gas station in GR went up 10 cents to $2.66. And the State Attorney General says that there is no price fixing in GR. HAH!!!
So, over the last 3 months the price of gas has risen about 30 cents a month. I see the price of Crude is around $66 a barrel, up nearly $9 this year. Hmmm. Gotta get my 'bent put together and/or see about getting a small motorbike.
Addendum: If I'm correct, the price of Crude has risen about 22 cents/gallon so far this year. The price of unleaded has risen +30 cents/gallon this year. Guess who the winner is? 8 cents/gallon more profit than 3 months ago? How many million gallons? How can I get a cut of that pie? I wish I knew.
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Wednesday April 5, 2006
I've been a bit P.O.'d lately (and it's about to get worse) because I'm allergic to everything green and growing, so I live on antihistamines. Nowadays preferably Claritin-D. So why am I getting P.O.'d? Because for the last year under MN law I can only buy 20 days supply every 30 days. Why? Because I might want to make Meth with it. Spring is starting up again and my eyes are getting swollen, etc, and there is not a lot I can do about it for another week or so.
Q1. Why am I presumed guilty without due process? I thought that the laws of the U.S., particularly the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, say that I am to be regarded as innocent until I am proven guilty. Why, then, am I presumed to run a meth lab just because I wish to purchase antihistamines?
Q2. Why the heck is making meth against the law, anyways? For that matter, if it is legal to use tobacco or alcohol, why is it not legal to use meth or cannabis? Tobacco and alcohol each kill more people every year than just about anything else I can think of, including "illegal" drugs. Why not make it a crime to make or use alcohol?
Oh yeah, they outlawed alcohol back in the 1920's. Funny thing was, it increased alcohol use and abuse, increased crime, increased organized crime, increased gang warfare. Since Prohibition was repealed and the manufacture and consumption of alcohol was regulated (instead of prohibited) all of those problems decreased...until we started a "war" on drugs. A "War" that, now, incidentally, prohibits me from buying my allergy medications.
Q3. Let's just extend this another step. Why is it assumed that just because I want to own a gun that I want to kill someone?
I think I just saw some statistics recently that doctors kill 10 times as many people every year as guns do. Anybody want to dig that info up for me? Scary. Maybe we need to outlaw doctors!!! How many people do lawyers kill every year? Maybe we should outlaw them also?
Q4. What has happened to the "Land of the Free"?
Check out these websites starting with the first one. I think you might get a bit of an eye-opener if you look at this carefully and honestly.
Monday, April 3, 2006
Monday April 3, 2006
The wheel bearings on the Voyager appear to be OK. Couldn't get the lug nuts loose but I pulled the dust cap and there is plenty of grease. They are just a bit loose but not badly. I can hear the brakes grinding on the right, so I do need to replace those first chance. I will keep the lug nuts soaking in penetrating oil and see if I can do that next weekend.
Picked up the trailer. I need to raise the hitch on the van 6 inches which seems a bit much. I need to study the trailer a bit and determine if I can lower it any. Bed height is nearly 4 feet! But it is heavily constructed, whoever built it did a good job.
Spent most of Sunday going thru slides. Saw more photos of myself and my siblings than I ever knew existed. Found a set of slides of Christmases from 1953 to 197? Kinda funny to see Dad when he was a kid, I don't recall ever seeing pictures of him from then. Also some pics of one of Dad's boats, and family and friends that I had forgotten existed. I have gone thru nearly 1500 slides now, one tub down and four to go. I hope to start scanning them soon and adding them to the Hartshorn.org website.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Friday March 31, 2006
Friday March 31, 2006
So, I drove the LeMans. I really need to fix the power lead for the radio in that car. I also need to find out why it isn't coming down from fast idle.
But, instead of doing that Matt and I went to SkyWarn training Thursday night. I've been wanting to do that for years but I always find out about it after the fact or have a prior commitment that I can't get out of. I wish I had gone earlier; it was well worth the time. I also would suggest that everyone should TRY to get to the training at least once in their life, this is VERY useful info.
On the way home from SkyWarn we were tooling down 434 approaching the last hill before home and I see a glow in the sky (after dark, maybe 7:30 - 7:45 pm?). Unusual. Then as we come to the crest of the hill we see flames leaping into the sky!! It was on the left side, we live on the right, but...is the neighbors house or barn or hay or ? burning!!?? As we get over the hill it doesn't look like Budd's house or barn. Maybe his hay? No, it is farther away than that. Maybe his rental house on the hill? No, it isn't far enough to the left. Ah!! It is the old abandoned homestead on the opposite hill. OK, so probably there is no danger; although most of the snow cover is gone the ground is still very soggy and the next house in the direction of the wind is across a creek. Then, as we get closer, we see a vehicle parked at the corner near the fire, I can see parking lights. We stop at home to see if anyone has called the fire department yet. No one has noticed it, Betty will get on the phone. Evvy jumps in the car, I grab my camera, and we continue towards the corner. As I pull out of the driveway and turn towards the fire the car at the corner pulls around the corner. I'm thinking that it is probably the neighbor, keeping an eye on the fire. As we get closer to the fire the other vehicle starts pulling up the road and I'm thinking "Who is it?" Any of the neighbors would stay to talk. The vehicle ahead accerates hard up the road. Now I'm suspicious. Why would they be in such a hurry to leave? I hit the gas and chase them at speeds much higher than I would rather drive on a muddy road. We get close enough to get the plates and determine that it is probably an SUV or truck, something in the Blazer/S-10 size range and red or brown in color, and they are going fast!!! I then turned around and went back to the fire. I was concentrating on driving fast on a treacherous road with a poorly handling car, Evvy didn't have her contacts and was taking notes while Matt was trying to ID the vehicle. Kinda wish I hadn't been driving, I could have gotten a better look at the vehicle and maybe gotten some pictures of it. I did get some excellent pictures of the fire, I will try to get them posted later.
The local Volunteer Fire Department finally showed up and dowsed the fire, we saw the roof fall in and then the sides fall in before they arrived. I wanted to get pictures of both things but my batteries died before I could do that. Looking at it this morning it looks like whatever was left fell into the basement; I couldn't see anything through the rain and fog this morning. I hope to get up there this weekend (in between working on the Voyager and the trailer) and take a look around. I do not think the barn was touched which is nice, that is a fine example of an old barn. In pretty bad shape but it was in much better shape than the house was.
Until next time!!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Monday March 27, 2006
"The housing slowdown merits close attention because it may have more serious consequences than were first believed. New numbers from Moody's indicate a whopping 9.8% of all U.S. workers can trace their livelihoods to the housing market. Since 2002, nearly 40% of all newly-created jobs were in industries related to housing."
"...offshore interests also purchased 51% the U.S. government's publicly traded debt."
"...consider a small-scale example. If a person goes to a foreign car dealer and makes a $30,000 purchase, he expects to suffer the loss of his money. But imagine what would happen if the dealer sends him home with both the car and his money with the stipulation that he, or his children, can pay it back at some distant point in the future? Our car buyer would probably feel pretty flush, and would be tempted to spend the $30,000 on something else."
"...economists agree the U.S. is in hock so deeply we can't possibly pay our obligations at full value. The only solution is to significantly devalue our currency, primarily through inflation."
"...Inflation spikes are especially common during postwar periods. During the war, the government borrows whatever amount of money it needs to get the job done. Afterwards, inflation permits Uncle Sam to pay everybody back at a discount. We saw the "inflation solution" most recently after the Vietnam War ended in 1975."
And visit www.ntu.org and see how Uncle Sam REALLY spends your money!
Monday March 27, 2006
Did the rear brakes on the Gladiator, wheel cylinders, shoes, hardware. Still pulls to the right. Guess I will try swapping tires next.
My Bro sent me four more boxes of my Grandmother's slides. Pictures from around the world. Don't have a clue where 99% of the pictures are from or who the people are or why the picture was taken, and I can't ask. They just go in the trash if I cannot I.D. them.
Did some fascinating economic research last week that others should look at also. Check out www.shadowstats.com and read the "Primer on Government Economic Reports". Then go to http://www.gillespieresearch.com and follow the links to interviews found on the lower left. For a different viewpoint see also http://www.speciousargument.com/blog.
Fortunately I'm not (generally) interested in having a fancy car or house or boat or [you name it] or even computer; I prefer to spend my time and money on more lasting things. However, I fear that as our economy globalizes that the gap between the "Haves" and the "Have nots" will increase. It is only reasonable to assume that as the cash flows out of the U.S. downhill to places like Iran, India, China, and the Philippines that as their standard of living increases that our standard of living will decrease, at least some and perhaps quite drastically. Prices of Energy, foodstuffs, building materials, will NOT go down but will continue to increase as resources dwindle and as our money decreases in real value. As the workforce becomes more globalized we will see more and more routine jobs (such as fry cooks, network admins) become lower and lower in pay and jobs that require original thinking and creativity (artists, musicians, inventors) receiving more and more.
Time to get back to my routine job.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Thursday March 23, 2006
My next idea is that it might possibly be the rear brakes. I know that the wheel cylinders are weeping and the brake linings are getting thin; in fact, I have wheel cylinders, shoes, and hardware kits sitting on my bench so I can replace them at the first opportunity.
I was planning on doing it today after work but......IT'S SNOWING!!! Only about 1/4" on the ground but more coming down. Roads very slippery with the snow coming down on the ice from the snow melting. Maybe this weekend.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Tuesday March 21, 2006
Tuesday March 21, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Wednesday March 15, 2006
Of course, by the time I do that I won't need the new heater. But if I don't do it now I won't think of it until next fall when the temp drops.
Put new spark plugs in the Voyager last week. Now I get 23 mpg. I'm shooting for 30. But 23 is a whole bunch better than the 15 I would have gotten with the Gladiator, especially at $2.45/gal.
Rant time.
I don't quite understand the Oil companies, other than the fact that they are just plain greedy. Yesterday the price of a gallon Unleaded went from 2.35 to 2.45. That is nearly a 5% jump. After a jump from 2.25 to 2.35 last week. I just hope that American grassroots ingenuity can quickly find a way to not use gasoline to run a car. I know that there are quite a few electric/fuel cell/solar concepts out there. We just need one that is reliable and that people like me can afford. That is the tough part. Would I buy a more economical vehicle? You bet. Do I have the money to do it? No, I have to buy gas for the car and fuel oil for the house. Could I heat the house more economically? Sure, if I could front $25,000 for a ground source heat pump. At the price of fuel oil right now I could pay for the heat pump in less than 12 years, which I don't think is too bad. To buy a car like the Prius would cost $22,000 and that would take 20+ years for payback, which is ridiculous. The Venturi Fetish would do nicely, but the payback on $660,000 isn't worth it either. What I need is a good $500 solar powered car. ha.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Tuesday March 14, 2006
I almost forgot: I finally found my dream car: the 2005 Morgan Aero 8. A good place to start with this car is at http://smogthis.net/indexaero.html.
Friday, March 3, 2006
Thursday, March 2, 2006
Thursday March 2, 2006
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Wednesday March 1, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Thursday February 23, 2006
I keep forgetting to post that the new fishes name is Sir Palomides.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Wednesday February 22, 2006
Going to take this afternoon off and look at the LeMans and see if I can find out why it has quit using oil. I have heard otherwise, but in my experience cars don't go from using a quart of oil every 30 miles to using NO oil for 50 miles without some serious help, so I have grounded the vehicle until I can figure out why (I'll accept a miracle). After I look at the LeMans I will be doing the chauffer bit until 9 PM or so.
Need to get my desk cleaned off. Papers keep sliding off the desk and burying my keyboard tray. You would think when that happens people would quit putting thing on my desk; instead they put more on and ask why I don't get this all done ('cause I'm blogging, that's why!!).
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Tuesday February 21, 2006
Spent a lot of time yesterday working on the CEO's Treo 700 from Verizon. It wouldn't AutoSync. It would connect for about 15 - 30 seconds then disconnect. Remove it from the cradle, return it to the cradle, briefly connect then disconnect, repeat. Learned that the new AutoSync 4.1 (required for the Treo 700) uses the TCP/IP stack for connectivity, the USB connection shows up in Device Manager as a Network card. The PC thinks it is a 10 Meg network device!
Coincidently, since the Treo was installed the PC has been taking a very long time to start. It was because the PC was looking at this network device and trying to connect to it (which it can't do until ActiveSync is loaded after login!). If the Treo is not connected to the PC until you want to AutoSync then boot times are back to normal.
Rebuilt the TCP/IP and winsock stacks using netsh, uninstalled and reinstalled ActiveSync, cleaned up the Startup sequence, do a soft reset of the Treo. Same thing: connect briefly then disconnect. So I performed a Hard Reset of the Treo and now it works great.
Of course, you don't want to perform a hard reset unless absolutely needed because it resets the Treo to factory defaults, but sometimes that is the cure. Why the heck Palm is using M$ ActiveSync I don't know because I have never had a problem with HotSync and I have never had a good experience with ActiveSync.
'Til later,
Friday, February 17, 2006
Friday February 17, 2006
Think I will just stay in the house this weekend and veg. Maybe rip some old 78's if I can get the ambition. Maybe play Myst 4 or Myst 5 or URU D'ni or Shell. That would take a lot more ambition then I have right now. Cold makes me want to hibernate.
Spent some time last night on the Arms & Armor Webring. Lot of junk out there but there are a few gems. WWW.KirbyWise.com. Kirby is a proud member of the S.C.A and makes arms (and formerly armor) for them and others. His "Links" page is worth the visit alone. Also his link "A Word About Weapons".
Also came across www.AnvilFire.com. Just about anything involved with blacksmithing including farrier work and, of course, weapons. It will take me a while just to skim that web site.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Thursday February 16, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Wednesday February 15, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Tuesday February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Monday February 13, 2006
Monday February 13, 2006
Went over to JimJ's on Sunday afternoon with Matt. Matt went to look at JimJ's ham shack and I took the Voyager so I could use JimJ's heated shop and work on making the doors lock. Since I have been unable to lock the doors I have been unwilling to carry my tools in it which has been rather inconvenient. Took apart all the latch mechanisms, cleaned them out, lubed them up. Found one that had a flipped spring, fixed that. Now all the doors lock and unlock properly.
Helped JimJ some with his sisters Geo. She hit a moose the other night which kinda skooshed down the drivers corner of the roof. JimJ cut the roof off along with the bent front piller and got another roof with pillars. We got it pretty well aligned by the time we left. JimJ made reinforcing brackets to weld inside the pillars, so we were able to set the roof in place then bolt up the doors and test for alignment. Pretty tricky and far beyond anything I would have attempted, but I think it will turn out nice. He is going to clean up and put in new undercoating and add some foam insulation in the quarter panels. It should be a pretty nice ride when completed.
JimJ loaned Matt a couple of Radios to listen to, now Matt needs to build a couple of Antennas.
Now I need to determine the next priority for the Voyager Project. Should I replace the (dead) factory stereo next? Fix the (frozen) Parking Brake next? Replace the Heater core next? I suspect that I will be replacing the stereo next, I really miss having tunes. I do have some heat, and I haven't yet had a car in MN that had a working parking brake.
What I'd really like to do is put this power train in my black Voyager body which is in much better condition and add the Turbo from my Caravan to the Voyager. I think a Black 89 Voyager with a 5-speed 2.5 Turbo would make a nice ride. We'll see. Before I can do any of that I need to fix a Horizon and a LeMans and a Gladiator.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Friday February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 9, 2006
Thursday February 9, 2006
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Wednesday February 8, 2006
Monday, February 6, 2006
Monday February 6, 2006
There are a few dings in the windshield of the Voyager, so I bought a windshield repair kit at wally-world. It doesn't say anything in the instructions about temperature, just says that it must be applied in the shade and then moved into direct sunlight or use a UV lamp to cure the resin. Don't know if temp got over 15F yesterday; but it was the first sunny day that I wasn't doing umpty-nine different things so I decided to try it. Put an electric heater inside the Voyager to try to keep the glass a bit warmer from inside and then followed the directions. Resin didn't want to flow into the cracks as described by instructions. We will see what happens.
Left the heater in the Voyager all night. -5F this am but inside of car nice and toasty. Unfortunately, by the time I had driven up to the corner this morning the engine hadn't warmed up yet and it was starting to cool off inside. Heater still not as good as Gladiator. Have to work on that some time .
See ya next time.
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Wednesday February 1, 2006
Drove up to Oak Hills today and surprised Evan for his birthday. Drove the Voyager for its first real road test, it did very well. Gave Evan a car for his birthday (a small toy one, hehheh).
Found a great website, http://ejmas.com. Lots of Martial Arts info there and well worth a visit.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Monday January 30, 2006
Worked on the LeMans most of the weekend. New master cylinder, rear wheel cylinders and front calipers, new shoes and pads, and one new brake line. Still need to bleed the system, hopefully more lines won't break.
Mostly fixed the heat problem in the Voyager, backflushed the heater core. Now instead of getting 60 F air from the heater I'm getting 110 F. Not as good as the Gladiator's 130 F, but I'll take it for now.
Wouldn't ya know it, I almost get the other two running correctly and the Gladiator, old reliable, starts to have brake problems. Pulls ferociously to the right in a hard stop. I guess I'll park it for now and get the LeMans done.
New network is almost there. Don't go IP in a large phone system unless you have plenty of time and money to throw at it. 10 weeks since we brought it online and went live and we still have glitches. IP Telephony is SOOOO dependant on having perfect network connections, not tolerant like a PC. When someone moves a large file across the network (all the time with digital imaging) the burst of packets even over a 1 gig link will cause the phones to drop out and sound like a bad cell phone. Even though they are on separate vlans and with QOS and bandwidth limits. I have the Extreme Networks support people looking into now because it shouldn't.
Got a bunch of 78's and victrola records from bro, used to belong to dad and grandad and ?, they pretty much date from about 1908 to 1957. Borrowing a friends 78 rpm turntable to rip them. How about "The Three Little Pigs" as told by Al "Jazzbo" Collins? Or "Avalon" by Al Jolson? Or "After Taps" by Kate Smith? Most of them are pretty rough but still good listening.
Finally got around to getting Myst V End of Ages. A little tougher then I remember Riven to be. I missed Myst IV, I'll have to get it. Myst V is very specific on hardware requirements, fortunately so am I and I have the correct sound and video cards. Before I saw the requirements.
That's enough for one sitting I think. Later!