Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday March 31, 2006

The last 24 (or so) hours have been rather interesting. Wednesday night on the way home from Goodland the speedometer in the Voyager started acting erratically, and Matt complained that something didn't sound right in the right rear wheel area. Thursday morning I started off to work and the speedometer didn't work at all. Then I went back to swap for the LeMans. As I walked around the Voyager I kicked the right rear tire - and it moved! I think I may have lost a speedo cable and probably rear wheel bearings and brakes. Good thing I have spares.

So, I drove the LeMans. I really need to fix the power lead for the radio in that car. I also need to find out why it isn't coming down from fast idle.

But, instead of doing that Matt and I went to SkyWarn training Thursday night. I've been wanting to do that for years but I always find out about it after the fact or have a prior commitment that I can't get out of. I wish I had gone earlier; it was well worth the time. I also would suggest that everyone should TRY to get to the training at least once in their life, this is VERY useful info.

On the way home from SkyWarn we were tooling down 434 approaching the last hill before home and I see a glow in the sky (after dark, maybe 7:30 - 7:45 pm?). Unusual. Then as we come to the crest of the hill we see flames leaping into the sky!! It was on the left side, we live on the right, the neighbors house or barn or hay or ? burning!!?? As we get over the hill it doesn't look like Budd's house or barn. Maybe his hay? No, it is farther away than that. Maybe his rental house on the hill? No, it isn't far enough to the left. Ah!! It is the old abandoned homestead on the opposite hill. OK, so probably there is no danger; although most of the snow cover is gone the ground is still very soggy and the next house in the direction of the wind is across a creek. Then, as we get closer, we see a vehicle parked at the corner near the fire, I can see parking lights. We stop at home to see if anyone has called the fire department yet. No one has noticed it, Betty will get on the phone. Evvy jumps in the car, I grab my camera, and we continue towards the corner. As I pull out of the driveway and turn towards the fire the car at the corner pulls around the corner. I'm thinking that it is probably the neighbor, keeping an eye on the fire. As we get closer to the fire the other vehicle starts pulling up the road and I'm thinking "Who is it?" Any of the neighbors would stay to talk. The vehicle ahead accerates hard up the road. Now I'm suspicious. Why would they be in such a hurry to leave? I hit the gas and chase them at speeds much higher than I would rather drive on a muddy road. We get close enough to get the plates and determine that it is probably an SUV or truck, something in the Blazer/S-10 size range and red or brown in color, and they are going fast!!! I then turned around and went back to the fire. I was concentrating on driving fast on a treacherous road with a poorly handling car, Evvy didn't have her contacts and was taking notes while Matt was trying to ID the vehicle. Kinda wish I hadn't been driving, I could have gotten a better look at the vehicle and maybe gotten some pictures of it. I did get some excellent pictures of the fire, I will try to get them posted later.

The local Volunteer Fire Department finally showed up and dowsed the fire, we saw the roof fall in and then the sides fall in before they arrived. I wanted to get pictures of both things but my batteries died before I could do that. Looking at it this morning it looks like whatever was left fell into the basement; I couldn't see anything through the rain and fog this morning. I hope to get up there this weekend (in between working on the Voyager and the trailer) and take a look around. I do not think the barn was touched which is nice, that is a fine example of an old barn. In pretty bad shape but it was in much better shape than the house was.

Until next time!!

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