Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wednesday February 22, 2006

Figured out why the radio died in the Voyager last night: the 2 rear speakers are shorted to each other and ground. Don't know how or why, just know I need to pull new wire. Darn.

Going to take this afternoon off and look at the LeMans and see if I can find out why it has quit using oil. I have heard otherwise, but in my experience cars don't go from using a quart of oil every 30 miles to using NO oil for 50 miles without some serious help, so I have grounded the vehicle until I can figure out why (I'll accept a miracle). After I look at the LeMans I will be doing the chauffer bit until 9 PM or so.

Need to get my desk cleaned off. Papers keep sliding off the desk and burying my keyboard tray. You would think when that happens people would quit putting thing on my desk; instead they put more on and ask why I don't get this all done ('cause I'm blogging, that's why!!).

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